Texas Fun Facts

Just in time for Spooky Season when folks like to celebrate the unusual, the weird, and the just plain wacky, here are a few Texas fun facts that will spark your imagination and add pizazz to your conversation. CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITE QUALITY RV RESORT DESTINATION and reserve your Autumn getaway now. There’s lots to see and do in Texas!

texas fun facts

Batty for Bats

Bracken Cave in San Antonio is the summer home to the largest colony of bats in the world. An estimated 20 million Mexican free-tailed bats roost in the cave from March to October making it the largest known concentration of mammals anywhere. There are TWO QUALITY RV RESORTS IN SAN ANTONIO, so come see the bats!

Beer Can House Museum

A one of a kind museum in Houston – don’t miss it! John Milkovisch, a retired upholsterer for the Southern Pacific Railroad, started his project now known as the Beer Can House in 1968 when he began laying thousands of marbles, rocks, and metal pieces into concrete and redwood to form unique landscaping features in his yard because he “got sick of mowing the grass.” Then he turned to the house itself and began adding aluminum siding…aluminum beer can siding, that is. There are an estimated 50,000 beer cans in the Beer Can House. There are 13 QUALITY RV RESORTS AND PARKS IN HOUSTON, your home base for seeing this unique museum.

Two More Texas Fun Facts

Dr Pepper and frozen margaritas are sold all over Texas, and there’s a QUALITY RV PARK IN VICTORIA! Come to Texas to try two favorites!

Dr Pepper – Your favorite soft drink, Dr Pepper, was invented in Texas in 1885. Created by Charles Alderton in Waco, Dr Pepper was first nationally marketed in 1904 and is now sold all over the world. You only think you know what’s in it…the recipe is a secret and is kept in two halves in safety deposit boxes located in two different banks.

Frozen Margarita Machine – Restaurateur Mariano Martinez, who drew inspiration from the Slurpee machines at 7-11, adapted a soft-serve ice cream machine to make frozen margaritas and called it “The World’s First Frozen Margarita Machine.” It is now on display at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington DC.

You Can Eat Mesquite

Not just wood for grilling BBQ, one more Texas fun fact is that mesquite pods are edible! You can pick the long, bean-like pods right off the trees in September and October, dry them thoroughly, and grind them into a fine powder to make flour, jelly, or even cocktails.

Another Texas Fun Fact

Every Quality RV Resort destination in Texas offers comfort, convenience, deluxe amenities, excellent guest services, and plenty of family fun. Most offer easy-in/easy-out pull-thru campsites. CHOOSE YOUR IDEAL DESTINATION and come see us real soon.

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